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Art & Science Fiction
Gary Moreau

All images are copyright protected, G. Moreau.
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Selected works from 1972

"Winter Road"
15 by 18 inches
I was opposed to naming pictures. Once it is done, the artist is no longer relevant. However, as humans we seem to desire names so I relented. In these cases, the name is obvious, but the names are ephemeral. I change them all the time and encourage you to do the same.
10 by 14 inches
"Tree Above Houses"
15 by 18 inches
"My Window"
15 by 18 inches
"Looking Up From the Middle"
15 by 18 inches
Untitled #8
15 by 18 inches
"Alone in the City"
10 by 14 inches
"Life Floating in Heat"
15 by 18 inches
"Almost Hiding"
10 by 14 inches
"Night River with Storm Clouds"
22 by 15 inches
"Winter Moon"
15 by 18 inches
"Winter Moon Abstraction"
15 by 18 inches
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