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Art & Science Fiction
Gary Moreau

"Basic Security"
10 by 12 inches
Tempra on paper
Well, one has to begin somewhere. My friend, Rick, told me that painting this picture took a lot of guts. I don't think he meant it as a compliment but I found it to be reassuring.

"Stormy Sea"
10 by 12 inches
Tempra on paper
In the beginning I painted small pictures which I typically finished in an evening. I suspect you're not surprised.
"Limited Shade"
10 by 12 inches
Tempra on paper
IJudy Lutter liked it. As you may be able to deduce at this point, all the paintings are tempra on paper. Not egg-tempra, simply tempra and water, kindergarten stuff, poster paint.

"The Dancer"
10 by 12 inches

"Pink Soap"
18 by 15 inches

"Looking Up"
18 by 15 inches

15 by 15 inches
18 by 15 inches
18 by 15 inches

"Blast Forest"
15 by 15 inches
"Good Breath"
18 by 15 inches
"The Sun Grows Old"
18 by 15 inches
All images are copyright protected, G. Moreau
Click on image to enlarge.
Selected works from 1969 - 1971
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